So I should be in stride with my workouts, right? Check!
And the diet must be automatic by now...right?
For some reason this has been a tough week with eating. I've been racking my brain trying to think about why I was eating so carelessly.
Am I happy? Yes!
Am I living life at 90%? Yes!
Am I fulfilled professionally? Yes!
Is fight training a smashing success? Yes!
So what the hell was it!
And then it hit me. I'm flying to Chicago on Friday. I HATE FLYING. It's not a fear, it's just a deep dislike and I am currently stress eating. While the fact that I am eating poorly sucks I'm glad I identified the reason. It was not lack of dedication. It was not because I fell off the wagon. It was stress, and now that I've identified the problem I'll solve it. No more junk and no more excuses, I'm back to eating clean!