Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stress Eating

After the emotional roller coaster that has been September I look forward to my favorite 3 month stretch of the year. In the next 3 months lie my favorite 3 holidays and of course my birthday!

So I should be in stride with my workouts, right? Check!

And the diet must be automatic by now...right?

For some reason this has been a tough week with eating. I've been racking my brain trying to think about why I was eating so carelessly.

Am I happy? Yes!

Am I living life at 90%? Yes!

Am I fulfilled professionally? Yes!

Is fight training a smashing success? Yes!

So what the hell was it!

And then it hit me. I'm flying to Chicago on Friday. I HATE FLYING. It's not a fear, it's just a deep dislike and I am currently stress eating. While the fact that I am eating poorly sucks I'm glad I identified the reason. It was not lack of dedication. It was not because I fell off the wagon. It was stress, and now that I've identified the problem I'll solve it. No more junk and no more excuses, I'm back to eating clean!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Holding Back the Hands of Time

Three weeks ago I started training a group of MMA hopefuls. This was exciting and a bit scary for me. I haven't competed in MMA in 2 years and had not trained full time in that span either. Add to the mix that I underwent surgery in late April of this year and I was officially doubting if I could still "Go" like I used to.

Well, 3 weeks into my training camp I can gladly say that I haven't skipped a beat. In fact I am so much more balanced than I was in my fighting days! And without a shadow of a doubt I couldn't have accomplished this without DDP Yoga. My increased flexibility and balance have me 2, maybe 3 steps ahead of my students, who just happen to be 2, maybe 3 years younger than me! I know he preaches it each and everyday, but Dallas couldn't be more right, DDP Yoga has literally helped me "Hold back the hands of time!"

Monday, September 16, 2013

Addicted to DDP Yoga

Does anyone ever feel like it's never enough? When I have down time I am constantly feeling like something should be done about it. Whether it's a DDP Yoga session, a quick round of push ups and pull ups or an attempt of a "psycho extreme push up". I always get the feeling that down time = bad time. Now I know that this isn't true, but I just always seem to have that inclination.

When I think about it, I have this kind of all or nothing attitude toward most anything in my life. When I got fat 10 years ago I got REALLY fat! When I hated my job I tended not to even do it at all, but on the contrary when I enjoy it I immerse myself in it mind, body and spirit! This attitude was the key to my success in the MMA arena and is becoming my gateway to success with DDP Yoga. I know it's not always healthy to be so all or nothing, but in my quest for physical fitness and over all wellness my obsessive nature is just that. Healthy. Some may say even  a little too healthy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why be gluten-free?

"Why be gluten-free?"

That is the question my wife asked me this week. And to be honest, I had to think about it for a minute. I didn't want to say because that's what the program says to do, that's an answer for weak minded people and I don't usually just do what I'm told so I needed something better. As an agent of independent thought, I did just that, I thought about it.

What I came up with is that I just don't need it. Gluten has nothing in it that I need to thrive in my everyday life. In fact, for the current lifestyle that I have chosen it flat out gets in the way. For example, a main ingredient in gluten is Lectin. Lectins are associated with insulin resistance, higher blood pressure and higher inflammation levels and those are things that I can do without. So right there in my explanation I found my answer. I simply don't need it. It produces no unique value to my daily diet and if anything gets in the way of my search for a more fit existence. It isn't always easy, some gluten-full foods are truly tasty treats. But as long as I have my Redbridge (Gluten-Free beer from Anheuser- Busch) I am good to go!

Day 60 Pics

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Genuine Article

For those of you who doubt how genuine DDP is about his DDP Yoga program and building into a fitness empire while helping thousands and thousands of people along the way, I found an article from the WCW Magazine Jan 2001 issue (more than 12 years ago!) that lays the ground work for what was YRG and became DDP Yoga. 

Any DDP Yogi will instantly recognize catch phrases like, "Hold back the hands of time..." and remember what it was like the 1st time they Ignited their lower half or elongated their spine from the seated position. He passion jumps off of the page and his hard work has helped so many along the way. He truly is the genuine article!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Emotional Anchor!

I had to fight myself to roll out my mat today. I had to fight myself to press play on the Blu ray player today. I had to claw tooth and nail to get through the 38 + mins of Strength Builder today.

It's not because I didn't  want to do it, but with the emotional gravity, no, the emotional anchor that has been hanging around my neck this last week or so, it has been a prize fight for me. My hamstrings "seemed" tighter or my muscles "felt" too sore, but I rolled up my sleeves and got it done. Today however was my toughest day of DDP Yoga to date. 

With my cousins wake just a couple of hours away I found an hour in my hectic schedule to hit the mat. The only problem was not all of me was down for the session. But I did it. It may not have been my best workout in the past 2 months, but it was my most trying. And in a way my most satisfying! As I let out my 'UGE breathe as DDP would say, I laid back and just let a few tears roll down my face. The tears however may not have been for the reason you assume. Sure it is a sad day for me, but my tears were tears of satisfaction. I am often my own arch nemesis and today I won the battle. With all that life and my own subconscious has thrown at me I never gave in and I never gave up. Today I truly owned my life!

I dedicate his blog to my cousin, Tim.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Therapy Session

DDP Yoga has been a lot of things for me in the last 2 months. A motivator, a guiding hand, a kick in the ass when I need it & a judgement free friend. But for the 1st time last night, DDP Yoga worked as my therapist. Yesterday morning at 8:05 am my cousin, friend and a hero of mine lost his battle with brain cancer. Watching him suffer these last few months has been heartbreaking, but losing him is a devastating blow to me and my entire family. So to put it mildly, yesterday was a very tough day.

Under 3 hours after the news of his death I found myself at work. Everyone would have understood if I called in and continued on in the grieving process, but I thrive when I am busy and when one wants to be busy work is a great place to be. I had a productive day, but the gray cloud of loss hung just above my head and I just did not want to be there. I was sure that I was going to just chalk this day up as a loss and try to move onto Thursday.

When I arrived home my oldest daughter and niece were there to great my with hugs and smiles and asked me to tuck them in, which I gladly did because that kind of love can snap you out of anything if only for a moment. As I walked down the stairs I remembered what DDP said about the "attitude of gratitude" and how much love and joy I still had in my life. I even decided that instead of mourning my cousins loss I would try to celebrate his life! Now there is nothing wrong with shedding tears for love ones lost, but they should be followed by smiles of memories of days gone by. So this is exactly what I did and am continuing to do the next couple of days as we approach his wake and memorial service. I'll share this with my friends and family through this trying of days and hopefully we can laugh and cry together in honor of our fallen family member.

I almost forget, I absolutely killed it with STAND UP last night as well. That's enough to turn any one's day around!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


First day of camp for my fighters (I have 2 now!) Was intense! I have the black eye to prove it! A black eye and I'm their coach! I feel bad for the guy locked in the cage with them.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It feels so good to be back!

I am excited! As excited as I was to start DDP Yoga and as excited as I was when I signed my first fight contract. I'm excited because tonight just 3 months after my 10th knee surgery and a little under 2 months since I committed to DDP Yoga I start training my 1st fighter for his 1st fight!

This is a huge deal for me on many levels, but in respect to my new and damn sure improved lifestyle it is tangible proof that my positive choices, attitude and commitment are paying off. They're opening doors, new and old alike, for me that just 6 months ago I didn't think would be a possibility then, now or maybe even ever.

I'm happy to say that beside my obvious physical gains and improvements, I am in a healthy mental and emotional space as well. And when all 3 of those things are in sync nothing can stop me! This is just the beginning of a never ending journey that I look forward to taking every single morning. It's time to own it!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A peak into my transformation

I was trying hard to a before and after pic for progress. I wanted to just show how I have changed in my everyday appearance. The before pic was in May a month and a half before DDP Yoga and the after was taken yesterday. My face is a lot less fat than it was back then!

On day 60 I will post my day 1, day 60 pose pics!

Double Success

So if you've been reading this blog (and why the hell wouldn't you be?) you'll know that a couple of weeks ago a poor decision turned into a massive hangover and I was kicking myself for it big time. Not only was it a dumb thing to do but it goes against everything positive I am trying to accomplish in life. So with another wedding on the horizon I concocted "Operation act like a responsible adult and don't make dumb decisions so you'll remember a good friends wedding" (O.A.L.A.R.A.A.D.M.D.D.S.Y.R.A.G.F.W. for short). It's a little on the nose but sometimes I need on the nose!

Well, the wedding was last night and O.A.L.A.R.A.A.D.M.D.D.S.Y.R.A.G.F.W. was a rousing success. Joelle and I had a blast and woke up bright and early this morning to hang with the kids!

But wait, the title of the blog is double success, right?

Which brings me to my next point, I had another random weigh in today and am down 3 more pounds! In under 2 months that's a total of 19. I'm currently tipping the scales at 209! That's what I call a productive 24 hours!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Are you tough enough?

Below is an excerpt from an article on It is advice from Sports and Performance psychologist Justin Sua on being mentally tough and how it translates to success. Below is a link to the complete article. Great stuff here, Enjoy!

Are you mentally tough enough?


1) They don’t feel sorry for themselves

They understand that complaining doesn’t make the situation better.

They know that people won’t treat them they way they want to be treated, circumstances might not be ideal, and they will experience adversity; however, rather than complain about the negative aspects of their situation, they focus on what they want to happen and what they’re going to do about it.


2) They don’t give people power over them

They are not people pleasers.

They are relentless in their pursuit of their passion and aren’t worried about what other people think.

They give power to what they focus on, and if they waste their time focusing on the opinions of others, they lose sight of the things that will make them truly successful.


3) They don’t avoid change

They are always looking for ways to evolve. They believe that if they continue to give their best, their best will continue to get better over time.

With the competition continuing to get bigger, stronger, faster, and smarter; it’s important to have the mindset to improve by learning from successes and failures.


4) They don’t play small

The mentally tough swing for the fences and know that it might mean striking out a few times (or many times). Their purpose for achieving greatness casts away their fear of failure. They refuse to tip-toe through life, they intend on creating a legacy for the future by making an impact in the here-and-now.


5) They don’t focus on things they can’t control

They refuse to waste time focusing on things they can’t control because there is nothing they can do about it!

They understand that the less control a person feels the more susceptible they are to making poor decisions, falling into bad habits, and crumbling under pressure.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Quinoa, the Best Thing Since Gluten-Free Beer!

What is quinoa you ask?

a tall crop plant, Chenopodium quinoa,  of the amaranth family, cultivated mainly in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile for its small, ivory-colored seed, which is used as a food staple.
And why is it so great?
First you must know that I love starches. Potatoes, beans, and wheat. But I especially love RICE! Do you know what all these things have in common? None of them are primarily gluten-free. This made my transition into the DDP Yoga lifestyle a little more daunting that I 1st imagined, until one day Joelle (my wife if you haven't been reading this blog long) discovered quinoa!
At 1st I was sceptical.
It looked like rice. It kinda had the same consistency as rice. Hell, it even had a similar smell while it was cooking! Only one thing was left to do, see if it tasted like rice.
It took a moment, but DAMN this was good. I loved the after taste the most. It left me wanting more. This opened a whole new world of possibility! Asian style stir-fry cuisine that was before forbidden with my gluten-free lifestyle was now within reach using fresh veggies, grass fed beef, gluten-free marinade and quinoa! It has become my go to side dish and has made living this life easy! No more mashed potato and rice cravings, I'll take a helping of quinoa please.
Now that I've shared a gluten free treasure, what are some of yours?

An Update for my Random Milestone Results!

Yesterday marked my 50th day on the DDP Yoga program. I know that in this program the milestones are done in increments of 30 days but I am proud of what my first 50 has produced so I am gonna share the results.

My starting weight was 228 lbs, on day 50 I weighed in at 212 lbs. A 16 lbs difference!
My starting Jeans size was a 35. On day 50 it was down to a 33! That is my target waist size, because it was my Jean size when I was fighting professionally!

I am overwhelmed with joy for my progress so far but know that the work is just starting. A good 50 days does not a healthy life make.

I will continue to kick ass and be inspired by people like DDP, Ian Rogers, Christina Russell and all of the other members of Team DDP Yoga. And maybe, just maybe I can inspire a few folks along the way!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 50

It's a random day to weigh in, but I did and I'm down 16 lbs, 228 to 212...


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back in the Saddle Again!

It's been about 2 weeks since I've blogged. I was Detroit for work (that town gets a bad rap by the way!) and then came home to 2 different family emergencies. Two emergencies, two completely different sides of the emotional spectrum, but both equally draining.

I am however, proud to say that since coming home from the "D", I managed to get my DDP Yoga in 5 out of the 6 days amid work, my children and family crisis. My sessions were one of the things that kept me sane during it all. This program and website have been such a blessing. Even when I don't have the time to post I always try to catch a blog a day to keep the fires burning within.

One member I have to give a major shout out to is Ian Rogers. His video blog flat out rocks and he is constantly tweeting me when he posts them so I can make sure to take a look. He is inspiration personified and if you are not a member of his group on here, get there!

So who inspires you? What keeps you going and how do you focus when life throws you a knuckle ball? Because this week I got knuckle balls not curves!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lessons Learned

I've never been the type to take direction very well. I'm more of a find out for myself kind of guy. A year or so ago when someone brought up "The Caveman" diet, I dismissed it as limiting yourself of some of the great pleasures in life and said it just want for me. Fast forward to today and I am doing a no gluten or dairy diet that resembles the very thing I brushed off as foolish in 2012. I consider that a lesson learned.

Just this Sunday I learned another valuable lesson. I have been loving the feeling of being healthy. It is such a natural high with energy boosts and positive body changes that make me a happy man everyday. But, with a good friends wedding on the horizon I figured what would it hurt to let loose a little and have fun like we did when we were kids. I forgot one thing, I'm not a kid anymore and it did hurt, A LOT! We all had a blast as shots of whiskey rained down, until that is, they came back up a few hours later. I was sick as a dog for close to 24 hours and was even much to under the weather for last nights DDP Yoga session. I watched Joelle as she kicked ass and I laid there helplessly.

I realized that living clean and doing Yoga 7 days a week is way more fun than over serving myself and paying the price for a full day afterward. But don't worry I made up for my misdeeds this morning. I banged out Fat Burner and Red Hot Core and when Joelle gets home from work tonight we'll do Below The Belt together.  Double sessions for this bad guy!

I paid the price for letting my stubborn pride get in the way and indeed had a lesson learned. On the bright side from what I hear I did have a blast at the wedding ( although I don't remember much) and thankfully I have photo evidence to prove it!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ready to Rumble

With dedication comes opportunity. I truly believe in this. We make our own breaks and with my dedication to a healthier lifestyle another opportunity has arrived. I received a call last night from a friend with a request. He has just made a commitment to his first amateur MMA fight this coming November and he has asked me to train him for it.

Now besides the obvious honor, that someone respects my ability and experience enough to guide them to their first fight, it also reaffirms my commitment to this lifestyle. Before DDP Yoga I would have been worried that I wasn't in good enough shape to train someone. I would have dreaded getting "back into shape" and may not have accepted the invitation. But my health and confidence are sky rocketing once again and you can bet your ass I will be incorporating DDP Yoga into his training regimen. Get some rest buddy, because come Sept 1 camp starts and you're gonna need it!

Own Your Life

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What's Your Roadblock?

All my life I have had one and only one roadblock in between me and my path to success. Me. Whether personal, professional or physical health, I have been my own worst enemy. I spent too much time wondering what other people would think of my choices and what they'd say about me when I wasn't there. I didn't realize until I was about 26 that it just didn't matter what they said, it mattered what i did! I laid to rest all of the self doubt that I built up from previous mistakes and moved forward.

When I decided to start a career in MMA at the age of 26 after 9 surgeries and losing 100 lbs they thought I was crazy. I did it anyway. 

When I decided to completely change my dietary habits and adapt a 7 day a week yoga lifestyle, they asked what happened to the real Scott? Well, 1 month and 10 lbs down, I'm doing it anyway.

You see, people will always doubt the unfamiliar and those people will never succeed. But the only person who can truly stop you from succeeding is you. If you will listen to the doubters you will fail. If you listen to yourself and do what you know is best for you, you cannot fail!

Own Your Life

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Protein Power Lunch!

Turkey Burger, an Egg, 2 mini-Sweet Potatoes, topped with fresh onion

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Did a Bad, Bad Thing

We missed a day of workouts. There, I said it, it's off our chests and our consciences are clear. It's not something we're proud of, but yesterday life happened and yoga did not.

Joelle and I both worked from 10am to 8pm, picked up the kids, got stuck in traffic and by the time we got home, put them to bed and cooked supper it was 10:30 pm. It just was not in the cards and I do feel horrible about it. I ended up doing 100 push ups and pull ups but it is not the same. I take a little solace in the fact that, on Wednesday (a scheduled day off) we did the Energy workout as a bonus.

We vow that this is an anomaly and not a regularity. Tonight we have our very 1st Diamond Cutter workout and our missed opportunity last night fuels us to hit the Diamond Cutter that much harder!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Beers for a Gluten Free Buzz!

Gluten-Free-Beer-Guide @BodyRebooted
  1. Redbridge by Anheuser-Busch – Red Lager
  2. New Planet Tread Lightly – Blonde Ale
  3. Bard’s Tale Dragon’s Gold – Brown Ale
  4. Dogfish Head Tweason’ Ale – Fruit Beer
  5. Green’s Discovery – English Strong Amber Ale
  6. New Planet Off The Grid Pale Ale – American Pale Ale
  7. Green’s Quest – Belgian Tripel
  8. Brunehaut Ambree – Amber Ale
  9. Green’s Endeavor – Belgian Dubbel
  10. Brunehaut Bio Blonde – Belgian Tripel
  11. St. Peter’s Sorgham Beer – German Pilsner
  12. New Planet 3R Raspberry Ale – Fruit Beer
  13. New Grist Sorghum Beer by Lakefront – Fruit Beer
  14. Daura by Estrella Damm – Lager
Courtesy of Christina Russell (@bodyrebooted)

Poison Control

Excluding an occasional glass of red or a beer, I have been completely chemical free since starting DDP Yoga. Until last night that is.

First a little background;

I am not a great sleeper, never have been. And since I started the DDP Yoga program, my energy is up and I sleep even less. 4 to 5 hours a night, max! Last night however, I added restlessness to my insomnia and I needed to just conk out in a bad way. So I took PM Motrin, waited for it to take effect and caught some ZzZzZ's. This seemed like a fantastic idea! Until this morning...

Today I feel lethargic, my energy is low and I can only attribute this to the PM meds from last night. This got me thinking, if something as "innocent" as PM Motrin can throw me for a massive loop, what the hell have I been poisoning myself with for the last 29 years? It's a frightening prospect to ponder. I've had about a dozen surgeries so pain pills, prescription or otherwise have been a part of my life. Add alcohol and fast food to the mix and no wonder I had so little clarity in my daily experiences. I am now so grateful for my decision to "live clean" and move forward with this happy and healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A word from the wife

I never thought my first blog would be about diet & exercise. I always dreamed of being a beauty blogger...Maybe someday!

I'm also now in my fourth week of DDP Yoga, and yes I'm in love, not just with DDP but with the actual program. Ever since I had my first daughter 7 years ago, I've been meaning to get around to getting the baby weight off. Well that never happened! The cliche "I'm too busy to work out and diet" has forever been my excuse.

Not a day goes by without me dreaming of the good old days before kids when I danced 4 days a week, could eat whatever I wanted and was in damn good shape.

As I read what I've already written I realize that maybe professional blogging isn't in my future, but I hope that someone reads this and cares or can relate.

Anyway, DDP has finally given me something that can make me feel good about myself again. Something my husband and I can bond over, that is great for our minds and bodies. We enjoy cooking healthy, and we througholy enjoy the workouts, even when they get really hard.

I am down about 5lbs so far, and even thought its not a lot, and not as much as Scott, it's huge for ME. Every time I say no to sweets or junk, it's a little victory for myself.

It's going to be a long road ahead, but I have finally stopped feeling sorry, and I'm starting to feel....hopeful :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Entirely Unamused

Tomorrow is a day I look forward to all summer long. Once a summer we load up the car and head north to Canobie Lake Park in Salem, NH. Now, I'm often accused of being a big kid and this is a prime example of why.

I love amusement parks. The more rides the better. Roller coasters, flume rides, Ferris wheels, flying swings and hell even the nauseating Turkish twist...Bring'em on! Another reason I love amusement parks is the food. Fried dough, hot dogs, fried chicken, french fries m(See a patern?) and do not forget the beer!

This is what's leaving me less than amused. All that food is not included in my current lifestyle and to be honest, besides the beer I don't really even want any of it. I think it is just the carnival atmosphere that tricks me into thinking I want it. It is like when a person quits smoking. They feel goos and do not even have a craving...until they drink, then all bets are off. It's a trigger. So I have made a decree that I will not be indulging in the trans fatty debauchery of Canobie Lake Park, but you can bet your ass I will be having 1 beer! Because not even apple pie is as American as Anhueser-Busch and Amusement Parks.

I'm only human!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Morning Service

When someone asks me if I went to church this morning this is my answer

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Silencing the Critics

It's Thursday of week 3 and for the most part everybody in my day to day life is aware of my new found commitment to the DDP Yoga system. But when I see someone that i may not see in my daily travels and they ask me about my current workout regimen and I tell them it's yoga, their left speechless. Not because yoga is bad or ineffective, but for the most part it is totally out of character for me to be doing it.

For most of my life all my workouts have consisted of hitting either something or one and not pushing up into down dog. When I think of it, it sometimes makes me laugh a bit because they are right, the old me would never do yoga, not even DDP's.

But that's the point, isn't?

This is not just a change in my body it should be a change in me. Eating habits, sleeping habits and overall life habits. I am striving to be better than I ever have been and if that means making some "out of character" choices I have no doubt that in the end I will be better off for the experiences had. So to all the critics out there who don't like change, or don't think I will stick with until the end. I dedicate this portion of my journey to you.

Flexibility and Balance

And no the title of this post doesn’t have anything to do with the key attributes of a Yoga Master.  I’m talking about the flexibility and balance one needs to find the time to become a Yoga Master.
Yesterday Joelle and I woke up at 6:30 AM, hit snooze and decided that a 6:45 start to the day would work just fine. Unfortunately no one told our 1 year old that. As we headed down stairs for our morning DDP Yoga session we heard a noise. Like 2 frightened teens in a horror movie, we exchanged nervous glances. We knew what terror awaited us and there was no turning back!
In reality our toddler was awake and morning Yoga was officially canceled. This didn’t mean no Yoga, just a slight adjustment in the schedule. We both were looking ahead to a 10 hour work day, then we had to pick up the kids from day care and take the ½ hour trek home. Our new Yoga start time was approximitely 9:30 PM. Not ideal, but it had to get done and we were damn sure gonna do it!

This is one of the trials that being parents of 2 kids and having full time jobs throws our way. Being single and fit is easy. Having kids, jobs, household duties to take care of and staying fit takes flexibility and balance. Sometimes it’s an inconvenience, other times you’re just tired from your day to day insanity. Either way, being in this together with my wife makes it doable. We support each other and help to secure the flexibility and balance needed to achieve actual flexibility and balance!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The 1st 8

I don't have any words of wisdom or quirky anecdotes today but I can tell you that since starting my lifestyle change 2 weeks ago I have officially lost 8 lbs! It's just astart but is a great reaffirmation that my commitment is paying off and will continue to do so as long as I am consistent and dedicated!

I am owning my life!

Monday, July 22, 2013

You Have an Ab!

I wake up today, ready to start week 3 of DDP Yoga and Joelle looks at me and says, "You have an Ab!"

Now I know I have 5 more to produce but that was a great way to leave week 2 in the dust and attack #3! At the end of week 4 I'll post my before and after progress pics.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

It's Not a Diet!

I'm  2 weeks into DDP Yoga and I have dropped 6 pounds. You would think I'd have nothing to complain about right? 

Where's the fun in that?

To be honest it's not so much a complaint as it is an annoyance. As the weight loss becomes visible people are asking how I am doing it. So naturally I attribute my in progress transformation to DDP Yoga. 

Then I am inevitably asked the dreaded question, "What diet are you on?"

So I explain the nutrition program and politely tell them that it is not a diet. They in turn usually come back with, "We'll you've modified your usual eating habits. That's a diet."

When I think about it I can't really blame these people for thinking this way. People attribute moving or starting a new Job as a lifestyle change. They don't think of exercising or nutrition overhauls in the same light. But if they would just take the time to check out a program such as DDP Yoga they would realize that nutrition and exercise should be a long term commitment to a lifestyle change, not a passing fad they commit to on January 1st and let fade away by the start of Spring. It took me 29 years to figure it out, so there's still hope for everyone but in the mean time let me reiterate...


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Excuses or Motivation?

Some people use working 50 hours a week as an excuse for not working out...

Sitting here all day 5 days a week is my motivation to get off my ass and do it!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Split Decisions

We're 10 days strong into out journey to own our lives and
have been faithful to a T! Hell, I even brought my 7 year old to Smackdown last night and didn't touch as much as a french fry. The diet has become habit, which in turn has now become our lifestyle. And it feels good!

But what would a major life change be without another unexpected hurdle?

For the first 4 days of DDPYoga we worked out together and it was awesome! For the last 5 however, it has become a bit more difficult to do that. Since Friday we have each been flying solo with our daily's. Joelle has Mondays and Wednesdays off. I have Sunday and Tuesday. And we both have other responsibilities all the time!

I know what some of you are thinking. "Oh. Wow! You have to workout alone. What a challenge!"

And I hear the sarcasm loud and clear, but hear me out. When you go through an experience like this with a partner there is an extra layer of accountability. Cheating yourself is easy, but cheating yourself and having someone else call you out on it? That's powerful. So what we have been doing is finding other ways to push eachother. If we can't workout with eachother we'll prepair one anothers lunches for a certain day. Take a little bit of the burden off one another. You gotta get creative!

That reminds me, have I ever told you about flexibility and balance?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Photo Evidence!

So on yesterday I posted about "The Struggle". Well today I give you photo evidence of my 1st transformation.

At our wedding in 2007

Training for a fight in 2011

This transformation is my motivation to do it again with DDPYoga. Although I am not nearly as heavy as I was in 2007 I can still be a better me.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Struggle

If you've read our previous posts you know that I (Scott) am a 29 year old husband, father, (former) collegiate athlete, cage fighter and a human version of the board game operation. But what you don't know is I used to be fat. Really fat!

My collegiate football career ended with a spinal injury. When I realized after rehabbing my injury, that I would never play again depression set in. I ate and drank a lot. And with my new found laziness and depression the pounds came on quickly. In just over a year I went from a 20 year old with under 10% body fat at 210 pounds to a 250 pound bag of mush. That however was just the beginning. I soon was the recipient of a series of knee surgeries (3 in 2 years) that left me with very limited mobility. I was still eating way too much, though the drinking had subsided.

At my peak weight, I was over 300 lbs and I had no idea how truly out of control I had become. That is until I saw my wedding pictures. I didn't recognize the man smiling along side my wife. I was embarrassed and ashamed, when I think back on it I still am. But the night is darkest before the dawn and the embarrassment was just the kick in the ass I needed to get back to the old me.

Because my mobility was limited I joined Weight Watchers and started eating right. It worked. In just 6 months I was down 40 pounds and could start work outs again. Then I was down to 230 pounds and joined an MMA gym with my uncle. Now the weight started melting off and in another 6 months I had my first cage fight at 205 pounds and I won! I continued fighting over the next couple of years ending my run with a main event fight for the New England Middleweight (I was now fighting at 185) Championship in Boston. After that fight life got a little more hectic (we had another baby) and I realized a year later that I needed another knee surgery.

I had the surgery in April of 2013 and am still recovering. Unfortunately  I have gained some weight back (I am 228 pounds) and am having pain issues with my knees. This is what led me to DDP Yoga. I want to become lean, mean and agile again. I'll be damned just one week in if I'm not well on my way. So watch out 30, I coming at you better than ever!

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Beginning of the End

July 4th 2013, the beginning of the end.
A bit dramatic I know, but it really was the beginning of the end. I ordered DDP Yoga the Friday prior and was awaiting its arrival. In the mean time we had a decision to make. Start our clean living before we started the program or get it all out of our systems, live it up for America’s birthday and go out with a bang!
We chose the latter.
Nutritionists would probably cringe at the idea but I read somewhere that most addicts get extremely high before entering rehab so I applied that principle to our lifestyle change. We used the holiday weekend as a final farewell to our glutinous ways. It was truly the beginning of the end of our former life, both physically and mentally. We ate and drank to our hearts desires, until we woke up Monday morning. The workout kit had arrived and we hit it hard!
In a way I think that going over the top before we started the diet made us realize how poorly we were eating. The energy change we have experienced just 5 days into the program is astounding. Fresh fruits, veggies, some good protein and crazy amounts of water have given us new life! To say we are refreshed in mind, body and spirit is an understatement.
If you are about to change your lifestyle let me suggest that just one more time you eat, drink and be merry. For tomorrow we DIET!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Long Overdue

It was long overdue.
I was collegiate football player and MMA fighter (2-1 record). Keyword…WAS. In the midst of these activities I accumulated the injuries that inherently come with athletic glory. Kind of a yin and yang type thing. In less than 15 years I amassed 10 knee surgeries and even at the age of 29 I could feel them taking their toll. Something had to change. I had to change.
It was long overdue.
She was a seasoned dancer who enjoyed success on the dance floor and benefited from the spoils of a dancers life. All the work she put in in the studio lead to healthy lifestyle and dancers body, both of which she enjoyed. Then the real world came knocking and 7 years and 2 kids later, the weight would not come off as easily as it did before. At 26, she knew something had to change. She had to change.
This is our story. My name is Scott and the “she” above is my wife Joelle. We are hard working parents with full time jobs who just have not been able to find a fitness program that works for us and our lifestyle.
Until now that is.
When running and high impact workouts were no longer an option for me because of my knee problems I went in to research mode. What I found was DDP Yoga. It worked for those who were in far worse condition than I (Arthur is our hero!) and Joelle already had a love for Yoga, but with high prices and no time to hit a studio she could not pursue it. I took the plunge, ordered the program and just 4 days in, with the help of the dietary guide and a strict regimen of 6:30 AM sessions in the living room, we are on our way to owning our lives again. We invite you to come along for the ride. It may get bumpy and may not always be easy, but the reward of a better life for us and our family far outweighs the risk.
Here's to owning our lives!